THE EDITOR, Sir: I recommend the Rev. C. Evans Bailey, Chairman, -Jamaica District of the Methodist Church for the Gleaner Honour Award 1989. In 1989, the Jamaica District celebrated its 200th anniversary of Methodism in Jamaica and the Rev. C. Evans Bailey led the team of workers in a tremendously successful year of activities. In 1989, under the leadership of the Rev. C. Evans Bailey, the Methodists have taken full control of the National Children's- Home in Hope Gardens. In his additional role as Chairman of RJR, he has shown that he is committed to excelence, since by the top ratings given by the public, It has been Found to be guided by an independent approach, in spite of the political scenario. As a role model to many Jamaicans, he has excelled as a preacher, teacher, guidance counselor and chaplain for the minority and poor, as he is well known, I am, etc., SEXTON HOPE